I know it was rarely, if ever, said when you got back from ‘Nam. Or even if you had returned from another assignment overseas, perhaps Germany, Japan, Thailand, Guam, Hawaii, Alaska, Turkey, Greece or dozens of other distant bases and seaports around the globe.
You may have never set foot in Vietnam proper or even got near the country or, as was the case with many a draftee, never even left the good ‘ole USA. Some spent their entire tour of duty at posts such as The Presidio in San Francisco, or Fort Drum in New York, at SAC Command in Omaha or Camp Pendleton in California. It matters not. You are a Vietnam era Veteran and you deserve a loud “welcome home” and a “thank you for your service”!
Learn more about us, how to become a member, and our on-going mission by navigating through our new and informative website. And use our contact link if you wish to reach us.
Peter Bie
President VVA Chapter 218 | Santa Barbara
SP5 US Army (’67-’70)
Combat Correspondent, 16th PIO, II Field Force, Long Binh, (III Corp 1967-1968)
Door Gunner, A Troop, 1st /9th, 1st Air Cavalry Div., (I and III Corp 1968-1969)
MEMBERSHIP: If you are a Vietnam veteran and are interested in membership with the VVA, please follow this link to VVA National where you will find a membership form to download and complete. You will be required to provide a copy of your DD214 in addition to applicable dues. If you are not a Vietnam Veteran, but would like to support the VVA, you are encouraged to become a member of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA).Follow this link to the AVVA where you will find a membership application. Note: If you need assistance finding a copy of your DD214, follow this link to the National Archives for forms and instruction.